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Deity: Goddess Saraswati Benefits:: This Yantra is capable of giving all fruits in yantric form i.e. Dharma, Artha, Kaam and Moksha. Worshipper of this yantra becomes competent in speaking fluently and becomes unparalleled in the field of education. He is also able to learn all the scriptures by heart; attains victory in the entire world and attains complete accomplishment in the field of knowledge. This yantra is used to safe guard from malefic effects of Jupiter and bestows intellect and intelligence. For those who are dull witted and have suffered breaks in their education, this occult yantra sharpens the intellect, and ensures success in studies and high achievement in competitive examinations. The Yantra is also a sure remedy for weak intellectual growth and insanity. It is also helpful for married ladies to ensure a happy conjugal life.