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Vaastu, an important limb of Jyotish or Astrology is an ancient science and study of architecture and engineering. The book Vastu Astrology and Architecture is an outcome of a symposium on Vastu. One of the goals of the symposium was to revive the lost a. Vastu and its relevance to modern times. b. Vastu and Jyotish. c. Vastu and Temple architecture. The book comprises of thirty three articles in all. Their authors represent a range of viewpoints on Vastu principles. The articles are all written with intelligence and insight keeping in view its relevance with modern times needs of architecture and engMrs Gayatri Vasudev, editor, The Astrological Magazine has worked for twenty seven years with its founder editor Dr. B.V.Raman until his death in 1998, in his mission to bring Astrology into the comity of sciences. She continues his mission and has been National Vice President of International Council of Astrological Sciences founded by Dr. B.V.Raman in 1984. She has authored many books on Astrology that include Clues to interpreting charts, The Art of Matching Charts, Practical Horary Astrology, and How to Judge a horoscope Volume 2. She has edited Astrolgy and the hoax of Scientific Temper, Astrology in predicting weather and earthquakes, Astrology, Vastu and Architecture, Dr. B.V.Raman, the man and his mission.ISBN13: 9788120816060ISBN10: 8120816064Pages: 238